So what is Paylake "Juicing"?

Juicing - also known as "koolaid" and/or "treating the lake". Juicing is when a paylake uses an excessive amount of copper sulfate. Copper sulfate is normally used to kill unwanted lake vegetation. When used in excess, it's thought to incite feeding of the lakes catfish. This tactic is also known to harm and even kill the fish.

"Copper sulfate is very toxic to fish. Its toxicity to fish varies with the species and the physical and chemical characteristics of the water (12). Even at recommended rates of application, this material may be poisonous to trout and other fish, especially in soft or acid waters. Its toxicity to fish generally decreases as water hardness increases. Fish eggs are more resistant than young fish fry to the toxic effects of copper sulfate (3). Very small amounts of this material can have damaging effects on fish. Permits are being required in some situations for application of copper sulfate to water bodies. Further field studies have been required by the EPA (16). Direct application of copper sulfate to water may cause a significant decrease in populations of aquatic invertebrates, plants and fish (17)."

References for above info can be found by clicking on the linked number(s).

Paylake Juicing
Paylake Juicing
Paylake Juicing
Paylake Juicing
Copper Sulphate
Paylake Jucing
Paylake Juicing
Paylake Juicing
Paylake Juicing
Paylake Juicing
Paylake Juicing